Robert Rines – Loch Ness Monster Hunter dies

by Mikko on Thu 05 Nov 2009 17:43 GMT

So, R.I.P. Robert Rines, who invented lots of gadgets and hunted for the Loch Ness Monster, Nessie. He lived in Boston USA and some of his “photos” of Nessie are very controversial.

More here:

Plus, read more about other famous Loch Ness personalities – including some of the good, the bad and the ugly.

Monster sized £1 million Loch Ness harbour proposal

by Mikko on Mon 28 Sep 2009 18:47 BST

Local residents learned this week that a cruiser company is planning to develop land on the north side of Loch Ness into a million pound harbour complex.

Located at Brackla, the scheme will provide parking and services for punters wishing to take a cruise to various places around the loch including Urquhart Castle and Fort Augustus. There are serious concerns about traffic entering and leaving the new site from the dangerous high speed A82 carriageway (which is in shocking condition and already recognised as one of the most deadly roads in Scotland). Indeed, several people have recently died near to the proposed development.

On the plus side the scheme promises jobs and the developers have pledged to hold public meetings to seek local views and feelings about the best way to proceed. They have also said that expensive solutions such as a pedestrian underpass will be considered to enhance visitor and staff safety and the amenity of the site.

It’s early days with no firm planning application yet lodged at Highland Council and we don’t know what Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, or local residents and businesses think about this new venture – but it will be interesting to see how things proceed.

The Loch Ness Monster mourns Steve Irwin

She never met him but it was always on the cards and here at Nessie on the Net we have been working towards it. But it was not to be and today the world lost a leading light as Steve was cruelly taken from us by a freak accident:

Nessie is devastated and could not be contacted for comment. She is said to be sick and tired of the boring mediocrity that came to look for her in the 60s and 70s and the old bearded non-entities that still hang around her haunts like a bad smell. She was hoping for so much more but, sadly, young talent has been cut away by cruel fate.

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster fights to save whales and dolphins

It’s truly appalling.: Japan, Norway , Iceland and a basket of pathetic little Carribean nations who have been bribed by blood money from Japan have voted to re-establish international whaling. They want to kill whales and dolphins with harpoon guns that carry a grenade that explodes within the whale’s body and kills it slowly and painfully over 30 to 60 minutes.

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster calls for a total boycott of every product from those nations. Please buy nothing from them and make sure they are completely isolated as the horrible and evil countries that they are. If their people can’t be civilised then they should not be allowed to be in the civilised world. I would hate to think anybody that supports killing whales and dolphins would get anything from this website and I would ask anyone that supports it to leave here now.

Nessie was interviewed today and pointed out that the last Japanese “expedition” that was announced to “look for her” wanted to bring a gunship and sonic weapons to blow her out of Loch Ness.

Loch Ness Monster asks every citizen to do their duty

Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, asks every man woman and child to do their duty and vote for Lordi, the Finnish entry to the Eurovision song contest:

As the webmaster of this website we ask all of you to vote TONIGHT for Lordi, FINLAND. They simply have to win!!!

The Loch Ness Monster Expert without a beard on BBC Radio 1

Well folks, today was a great day at Loch Ness as top BBC Radio 1 DJ’s Colin and Edith are up in Scotland (with their whole crew and a couple of body guards) for the Radio 1 “Big Weekend”, Britain’s biggest ever free dance festival next weekend in Dundee. They wanted to come and interview me about Nessie the Loch Ness Monster and we spent the morning at Urquhart Castle and famous monster hunting location Achnahannet.

There are some nice photos and their diary of our encounter here.

The program was great fun to make. (Just select the Colin and Edith show from the list of programs and select Monday’s show, the Loch Ness starts about one hour into the program)

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster finally basks in the sun!

Loch Ness finally got some blue skies and warm weather for the first time this year and now there is every chance she will surface to bask in the wonderful 18 degree Celsius heatwave that has broken out!

There is also a welcome abundance of frog spawn growing all over place; welcome because they eat midges and midge larvae and the less we have of them the better!

Loch Ness Monster celebrates as Mega Pylon Monsters are thrown out!

The Loch Ness Monster was celebrating last night after her enemies the Mega Pylon Monsters were unanimously thrown out by Highland Councillors. There will now be a full public inquiry into the plans to erect the huge power lines all over Scotland’s most beautiful landscapes. More at: