“I’m very concerned that we may experience alien marine microorganisms, plants, algae, or small animals attaching themselves to ships’ hulls navigating through the Caledonian Canal, of which Loch Ness is a major part, from the North Sea or the Atlantic ocean”, Professor Kettle of The
Loch Ness Biofoul
Loch Ness Official Research Programme said.
One of the oldest and most highly respected Nessie monster hunters, Professor Kettle has been maintaining a watching brief on the threats of radiation, Covid, bird flu other toxins that are placing the life of our oldest plesiosaur in great danger. He has promised to continue to analyse core samples.
It’s incredibly cruel: The UK government is seeking to murder Geronimo a lovable alpaca and its owner has fought and sadly lost a £50,000 ($80,000) legal action. You can help by watching the live vigil aimed at deterring officials from arriving with their bolt gun.
News:It is with great sadness that we report that the government murdered Geronimo on 31st August 2021. RIP Geronimo.
The United States Sheriff who headed up the initial search and subsequent manhunt for fugitive Kim Vincent aka Kim Gordon aka Kim Avis (and as Kem instead of Kim) said justice has finally been served. A jury in Glasgow High Court found the former Inverness street peddler and Loch Ness charity swimmer guilty of 14 counts of rape against women and young girls. He’ll be sentenced on 11th June.
Convicted Multiple Rapist
After he went on the run by faking his own death at a beach in Monterey, USA, sex fiend Vincent was hunted down and captured by US Marshalls. He was extradited back to Scotland for trial. His crimes stand out as some of the most numerous and foul committed in Inverness, Scotlland.
Incredibly, when the caged beast first applied for a street traders licence to peddle nic-nacs on the local High Street, a meeting to grant his trader’s licence in 2008 was held at Highland Council. Inverness councillors described Avis, born in Newmarket, Suffolk, as a “city institution”. One added there was “no finer ambassador for the city”.
Kim Gordon aka Kim Avis – Convicted Multiple Rapist
The jury in Glasgow High Court has found former Inverness Street Peddler, Kim Vincent (aka Avis aka Gordon) also known as Kem, guilty of 14 rapes and sexual assaults against women and also girls aged 11 and 12. He was also found guilty of absconding from justice when he fled from Scotland to the USA in an attempt to fake his own death. US Marshalls hunted him down and extradited him back to face justice in Scotland.
VICTIMS of death faker sex monster speak of their relief after he was finally caged: “Justice has been done.”
Monterey County (where rapist faked his own death) has a TV piece.
Now he is appearing before the High Court in Glasgow and a jury is considering the evidence.
On trial for rapes
Kim Avis or Kem Vincent (he appears to have many aliases) is a former street busker and peddler who frequented the Inverness High Street. He is alleged to have raped several women and an attempted rape of a 12 year old girl. He is additionally charged with sexually assaulting an 11 year old girl. He initially fled Scotland as a fugitive to the USA where the US Marshalls hunted him down and returned him to jail (on remand) in Glasgow.
Early evidence from one woman at the trial included her description of how he is alleged to have forced her to watch in a mirror as he raped her. The trial continues.
In scenes similar to a weather apocalypse movie, the Loch Ness area has been buried beneath snow – up to 2 metres (7 feet) deep. In one location 20 cars were trapped and snow ploughs have been fighting to stay on the treacherous roads.
It is the news many locals have been dreading ever since the supermarket moved to new premises – the beautiful 1960s building it used to occupy has been dubbed “an eyesore” and will now be demolished.
A spokesperson for The Silent Majority said, “we’re gutted. This old shop has been a real focal point in the village and attracted architectural students from around the world. We even had an offer to Twin it with some fortified military bunkers in The Lebanon, which share a lot of its style and features. Now it’s going to be pulled down in scenes reminiscent of the old village public toilet that was cruelly demolished without ceremony and is now all but forgotten.”
Many Loch Ness Research projects and expeditions have used the fish and chip shop that was also located in the much loved monstrous carbuncle and all of that history will now be lost as well. Professor Kettle said, “it’s just so sad. This building oozes history and it’s loss will be felt right across the Loch Ness and cryptozoological community. I had hoped that a rich investor would step in and save the building but that now looks unlikely”.
Loch Ness Beauty
A local chief said, “we have some plans to make a permanent photographic exhibition of the old shop in the new village car park but it’s all in the early stages at the moment and we would have previously sought funding from The Highlands of Scotland Tourist Board (HOST) but they’ve got their own problems now”.
There have been rumours that a lottery is to be held with top prize consisting of the right to press the button on the charges used to raze the carbuncle to the ground. “It’s in the cards but there is still a lot of disagreement about if it’s appropriate and who would get the charity money. One idea is to award it to The Bewildered Trust For Confused Marine Animals or to the UN Yeti Relief Fund (UNYRF).
It’s the scourge of The Highlands and blights Loch Ness.
There are even fears that it may have killed Nessie or driven her away.
Known as The Hum, it is a low frequency dull buzzing sound that some people hear or “feel” and it is thought to be generated by electrical generators in wind farms, hydro electric turbines and sub stations.
Clan Chief Lord Lovat complained that he is sometimes unable to sleep due to a ringing in his ears and said, “If people don’t take it seriously the next you know is SSE will be building a station next to your house, it will create a noise and they will get away with it.It’s in the public interest to hold their feet to the fire and everyone is protected by the rules that they are not adhering to.”
A local community councillor said, “If people don’t take it seriously the next you know is SSE will be building a station next to your house, it will create a noise and they will get away with it. It’s in the public interest to hold their feet to the fire and everyone is protected by the rules that they are not adhering to.”
Other locals are worried The Hum may be causing tinnitus.