World Leading Discovery of Oxygen-Generating Lifeforms under Loch Ness

Professor Plume’s world leading research has uncovered unique lifeforms at the bottom of Loch Ness that generate oxygen. These microorganisms at depths over 200 meters could revolutionize our understanding of deep-water ecosystems and their role in oxygen production.

Dark Oxygen
Dark Oxygen
Producers Under Loch Ness

Plume’s study explores the biodiversity of Loch Ness, focusing on the profundal zone. This has been relatively unexplored due to its depth and challenging conditions.

Using advanced holographic imaging technology, Professor Plume and his team collected samples from various depths. The samples were analyzed for microbial activity and oxygen production.

The research identified several species of microorganisms capable of photosynthesis at these depths and generated significant amounts of oxygen. These findings suggest that deep-water ecosystems may play a more crucial role in global oxygen production than previously thought.

The discovery challenges existing theories about oxygen production (so called “dark oygen”) in freshwater systems and highlights the importance of protecting these unique ecosystems. Further research is needed to understand the full impact of these lifeforms on the environment.

World Leading Loch Ness Research
World Leading Loch Ness Research

Speaking exclusively to the Loch Ness Free Press, Professor Plume said, “Loch Ness is clearly a place of gaesous production of Dark Oxygen through a process similar to methane generation and the hydrothermal vents my leading team discovered in our Loch Ness research project and probe of the water body’s bottom in early 2024.” 

Professor Plume’s research opens new avenues for studying deep-water ecosystems in Loch Ness and other deep water lakes and their contributions to Earth’s oxygen cycle. This discovery highlights the need for continued exploration and conservation of deep freshwater habitats.

Plume added, “If there is a large amount of Dark Oxygen being produced here, it could help explain how unknown creatures such as Nessie, the famous Loch Ness Monster, could survive for long periods without surfacing.

“There are plenty of food sources the murky depths and oxygen completes the circle of what is needed to support life”.

Podcast: Kim Avis – the monster of Loch Ness

Kim Vincent Avis
Extradited back to Scotland

A missing tourist, a US-wide manhunt and the story of how a local celebrity became a fugitive after his dark past begins to catch up with him. Now the BBC has a new Podcast about the convicted rapist from Inverness.

Read more in The Press and Journal.

You can listen to the Podcast here: New episode every Friday.

Government Denies “Spy” Balloon Taken Down Over Loch Ness

RAF Vulcan bomber destroys Loch Ness Monster balloon
Vulcan Bomber Intercepted Balloon

The world has held its breath as the USA and other Super Powers edge towards conflict over spy balloons and octagonal shaped UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) that were seen over nuclear missile silos and Canada.

In a shock new development locals have reported seeing RAF Vulcan Bomber apparently engage and destroy a possibly red coloured balloon over Loch Ness.

A member of the local silent majority, who did not want to be named told us, “I was sleeping in my favourite chair with Channel 4’s Countdown blaring away on the TV. Suddenly my house shook as a super sonic jet screamed through the sky heading towards the loch. I got my binoculars out and saw a balloon deflated, plummeting towards the water”.

Professor Kettle was also out on his Loch Ness Research Project boat taking hydrophone recordings at the beginning of Nessie’s mating season. He expressed concern that the noise would unsettle the famous monster.

“I really want to protest about jets taking down balloons over Loch Ness. We know there is a problem with tourists launching lanterns over the loch but I am assured by the Highlands of Scotland Tourist Board that they have it under control. We don’t need military action in this scientifically sensitive site.”

The balloon is one of many UFOs seen at Loch Ness every year as it is believed to be part of an energy line including the Bermuda Triangle.

Professor Kettle also pointed out that there are suggestions in the American media that the US air force may have spent $1 million shooting down a toy balloon. “The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade reports that one of its $12 balloons vanished 11th February. This was about the same time President Biden ordered a jet fighter to shoot down a mystery object over Canada’s Yukon Territory”. (You can read more about this in The New York Post).

The Highlands of Scotland Tourist Board was unavailable for comment at time of going to press.

Loch Ness Monster supports campaign to save alpaca Geronimo’s life

It’s incredibly cruel: The UK government is seeking to murder Geronimo a lovable alpaca and its owner has fought and sadly lost a £50,000 ($80,000) legal action. You can help by watching the live vigil aimed at deterring officials from arriving with their bolt gun.

News: It is with great sadness that we report that the government murdered Geronimo on 31st August 2021. RIP Geronimo.

Sign the Petition To Save Geronimo’s Life (now closed).

Read more in The Metro newspaper.

Inverness Busker Up In Court For Multiple Alleged Rapes

Now he is appearing before the High Court in Glasgow and a jury is considering the evidence.

On trial for rapes

Kim Avis or Kem Vincent (he appears to have many aliases) is a former street busker and peddler who frequented the Inverness High Street. He is alleged to have raped several women and an attempted rape of a 12 year old girl. He is additionally charged with sexually assaulting an 11 year old girl. He initially fled Scotland as a fugitive to the USA where the US Marshalls hunted him down and returned him to jail (on remand) in Glasgow.

Early evidence from one woman at the trial included her description of how he is alleged to have forced her to watch in a mirror as he raped her. The trial continues.

More in The Inverness Courier.

Kim Avis trial: Accused reportedly “in trance” during alleged sex attack in static caravan, near to Inverness, High Court hears

Kim Avis was said to have pounced after the pair had been at a car boot sale near Inverness in May 2016.

The 57-year-old later apparently claimed he knew he had “done wrong”.

More in The Press and Journal.


Our heath service and shops are already at BREAKING POINT and your visit may result in your own death or somebody else’s as supplies and facilities run out. You will be welcome again in the future but please be responsible and do not come now.

Our appeal is being bolstered by many responsible businesses already closing to visitors (including B&Bs and hostels). But where we see hotels etc. continue to open to tourists against the advice of government (who have requested “social distancing at ALL times of at least 2 metres”) we ask you to complain about them and ask your booking agent or website to cancel their accounts and to email to complain to them and campaign for them to publish prominent advice to visitors to STAY AWAY.

We are pleased that other Tourist Agencies including North Coast 500 and Routes To The Isles are already taking action to try and persuade tourists and visitors to DO THE DECENT THING and STAY AWAY.

Black Isle Beauty Spot “begs” tourists to stay away.

Thank You.

Loch Ness Coronavirus Covid-19 Horror

Inverness by Loch Ness starts Coronavirus Testing in Emergency Army Style Horror

Locals and visitors to the areas have been very concerned as “Drive-Thru” Bio-Hazard tents have been erected to test people for the deadly coronavirus COVID-19. Medical staff at Raigmore hospital attend the plague containment units wearing special suits and breathing apparatus.

Loch Ness Corona Virus Horror

A spokesperson for the silent majority said, “we have the Loch Ness Monster – protected in law by the government – so we cannot risk the virus doing more damage. Already people have been panic buying in supermarkets and no hand sanitizer is available, with pasta and toilet paper among other items now is short supply”.

Anyone arriving in The Highlands could be dealt with by ever stricter quarantine policies and Invergordon has already announced a potential sinking of cruise ferry arrivals. Empty hotels and restaurants are reeling.

Inverness Street Peddler faces trial for multiple alleged rapes including child victims.

Kim Gordon (aka Kim Avis aka Kem) is accused of raping three women and attempting to rape one of them when she was 12.

Inverness Scotland

The 55-year-old is also accused of sexually assaulting a girl when she was 11 and faces breach of the peace and threatening and abusive behaviour charges.

The allegations cover a period between January 1997 and March this year and mainly relate to alleged incidents in the Inverness area.

The trial will commence in Edinburgh High Court on 20 March 2020.

Read more in The Press & Journal.