A geriatric self-publicist has made his latest (and hopefully last) trip to Loch Ness to find the monster. Surprise, surprise he’s managed to find some “organic material” (i.e. crud) at the bottom of the loch and apparently it’s being sent away for “DNA analysis” to labs in the UK and USA. Well, he’s got the right to waste his own money!
We get them all here, from the naked Frenchman who sailed out onto Loch Ness on a boat covered with stretch-tight black polythene while beating a drum (to raise Nessie from the depths!) to crazed Swedes (hell-bent on trapping a monster) to lunatic old men who squander their life savings on homespun submarines. And then of course there is the proliferation of heavily bearded local “experts”.
Life here is crazy. This blog will serve as a testament to that!